Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para to slaughter en español


slaughter verb

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slaughtered, has slaughtered, is slaughtering, slaughters
matar (animales); masacrar (personas)

Ejemplos de uso de
slaughter verb

  • Our team got slaughtered yesterday.
  • modern poultry farms slaughter a vast number of chickens every day

Sinónimos de
slaughter verb

Traducción inversa para to slaughter

matar  (animales) - to kill, to kill, to slaughter, to butcher, to extinguish, to put out (fire, light), to tone down (colors), to pass, to waste (time), to trump (in card games) 
masacrar  (personas) - to massacre 
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